I could not open email using Outlook or any Mail Client Print

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First, please make sure that your email account is created on our server.
You can check this by login through our Webmail from control panel.

If you can login through webmail but not from outlook or other email client, please do the following steps.
Start --> Run --> Type cmd

Type telnet mail.yourdomain.com 25

If you get connection time out, it means you have firewall blocking your port 25 to our server and you will not be able to login through mail client unless you solve this issue.

Some ISP block this port by default, and you need to request to open this port.

If you can telnet successfully and you still could not accessing your mail, please fill in the username
as username@domain.com and not just username
Most of our clients complaining this issue because they forget to fill in the username@domainname.

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